Collaborating to deliver risk management solutions — it’s the way we do it

Unlocking the full potential of your capital over time demands a multi-faceted risk transfer strategy that encompasses traditional reinsurance, alternative reinsurance and capital market solutions. At Gallagher Re, our mortgage team’s unique experience in the interplay and combined solutions that these markets offer allows us to develop forward-looking capital and risk management strategies. Our approach is deeply rooted in understanding each client’s long-term goals and collaboratively developing mortgage reinsurance solutions to help achieve those goals.

Global resources and diverse experience working for you

With a dedicated mortgage reinsurance team based across the globe, we deliver solutions in Australia, Europe and the United States. Our team brings together highly specialised and diverse mortgage credit experience, including Government Sponsored Enterprise, reinsurance underwriting and regulatory insight.

This experience allows us to bring a fresh perspective and craft solutions that not only work for the cedant and reinsurers, but also are generally acceptable by regulators.

Specialising in solutions that help meet your long-term goals

We specialise in a variety of solutions, including:

  • Mortgage indemnity insurance, reinsurance and retrocession on both a loan-by-loan and portfolio basis
    • The team is the market leader in placing excess of loss reinsurance transactions that accompany insurance linked notes (ILN) offerings, which enables the cedant to maximise capacity from both the capital markets and traditional reinsurance, while minimising execution risk and achieving the best pricing.
    • The team also has extensive experience in placing traditional quota share and standard excess of loss transactions covering both in-force and prospective business.
  • Bespoke regulatory capital relief structures for lenders — releasing capital and enhancing returns
  • Mortgage risk consulting services, including the utilisation of groundbreaking captive solutions
  • Gallagher Re is proud to be the manager of Deposit Unlock, an insurance-led, low-deposit mortgage solution for the UK house-building community.

Global Mortgage Reinsurance

Our quarterly market report helps our clients support their clients

Gallagher Re is keenly aware that many of these solutions wouldn’t work without the support of the global reinsurers, and are therefore dedicated to providing them with all the tools to help them support their mortgage businesses.

We are the only broker to issue a quarterly mortgage market report that helps summarise all the key macroeconomic trends in the US mortgage market, along with key performance data for the Credit Risk Transfer transactions.

Global Mortgage Reinsurance

Q4 2023 Mortgage Market Report Executive Summary

Highlights of the major economic drivers and more during the fourth quarter of 2023.


Meet the Mortgage Reinsurance leaders

Mortgage Reinsurance Summary

  • Diverse expertise yields comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to mortgage reinsurance
  • Dedicated team with global presence
  • Manage Deposit Unlock, an insurance-led, low-deposit mortgage solution