Make informed decisions about your total compensation packages based on benchmarking data from thousands of U.S. employers on topics like health plans, a wide variety of employee benefits, salary planning, HR technology, retirement and more — all captured in Gallagher's 7-report series, offered at one low price of $750.

The U.S. Workforce Trends Report Series gives you access to:

  • Key insights into how your peers are responding to their employees' changing needs
  • Robust insights on employee and organizational wellbeing in the new world of work
  • Complete results from Gallagher's largest and most popular employer surveys: Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey, Salary Planning Survey, HR Tech Survey, State of the Sector Survey
  • Proven strategies for responding to current challenges based on data from 4,000+ organizations across the U.S.

Get a sneak peek at the series

People & Organizational Wellbeing Strategy

An overview of employer trends in total rewards and operational priorities.

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Physical & Emotional Wellbeing

Insights into optimizing benefit investments while supporting the needs of your diverse workforce.

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Career Wellbeing

National review of compensation and employee engagement practices in today's labor market.

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Organizational Wellbeing

Emerging HR tech, communications and employee wellbeing strategies.

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2022 workforce trends report series

Financial Wellbeing

Employee financial wellbeing and retirement approaches to mitigate stress and manage risk.

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2022 Workforce Trend Career Wellbeing Coming Soon Thumbnail

State of the Sector

Ideas for improving internal communication to build a better employee experience.

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2022/2023 Workforce Trends Series - State of Sector

Best-in-Class Benchmarking Analysis

Research into what sets top-performing employers apart in employee and organizational wellbeing.

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