Gallagher's cyber security insurance program is tailored to small and mid-sized businesses to protect you from cyber crisis. Learn about your insurance coverages.

Cyber attacks are on the rise. Businesses without sophisticated cyber security systems in place make for an attractive target for hackers looking for a quick profit—and these targets are increasingly small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). Limited by smaller IT budgets, SMEs tend to invest less in cyber security controls, making them particularly vulnerable to these evolving threats.

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Gallagher’s Cyber security team is now offering an exclusive cyber liability insurance program tailored to small and mid-sized businesses.  Understanding the specific exposures that SMEs face allows us to design a cyber insurance program that provides comprehensive cyber coverage at an appropriate price.

Custom insurance programs protect your business against traditional and nontraditional impacts a cyber crisis has on your business, including:

  • Breach response costs
  • Privacy liability/network security liability
  • Privacy regulatory liability and fines & penalties (where insurable by law) (GDPR, FERPA, HIPAA)
  • PCI DSS assessments
  • Media liability
  • Cyber extortion (ransomware)
  • Business interruption/extra expense
  • Data recovery
  • Theft of funds (social engineering crime)
  • Telephone crime
  • Reputation harm

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