Our nationwide team of specialist brokers’ places over £33 million of premiums annually with a wide range of specialist motor trade underwriters. If your business is looking to arrange automotive cover, the Automotive team recommend the following:
Hire a broker
Deal with brokers that know the industry as they are more likely to understand the issues affecting your business and the level of cover you need. They can then negotiate with providers to get you a competitive deal, but one that still leaves your business protected.
Start your renewal process in good time
In order for an insurance broker to do the best job possible it’s important to give them adequate time to analyse your risk, market your risk to the Insurers, compare the various quotes received and report back with an appropriate available option.
Don’t focus solely on the premium
The most important thing is to safeguard your business and make sure you are adequately covered. We have seen garages remove key coverages in order to reduce premium, which has left them short following a claim which would have been covered had they not removed it from the policy to reduce the premium.
To learn more about the Automotive practice, and how it could help you and your business, contact the Automotive team on 01582 542 330.