Solutions customised to meet the needs of your fleet

If you need to insure one commercial vehicle or a fleet of vehicles, we can tailor a policy for you. We can provide a policy that covers one vehicle or all company-owned vehicles on one insurance contract. Our professionally qualified brokers have years of experience and can offer you advice that will ensure you get the policy that meets your requirements.

We understand the challenges operators face every day, whether it's working to reduce vehicle emissions, or the impact on asset values created by ever-changing emission laws, or the ongoing problem of driver recruitment. We also know that operators want to reduce the likelihood of a claim as well as their insurance costs.

With so many factors outside the operator's control, from poor road conditions and traffic congestion to cyclists and pedestrians, operators need to have an insurance broker that offers a wider capability, choice of covers and effective, industry-specific risk management support.

Hassle-free quotes and claims

Time is precious to our clients, and that's why you can pick up the phone to one of our team and get a hassle-free quote. Should you need to make a claim, one of our own specialist claims team members will handle your claim, guiding you through the process to make disruption to your business as minimal as possible.

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