Since 2010, most employers have implemented changes to their group health plans as required under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). While PPACA does not explicitly require employers to offer their employees health coverage, employers offering these plans are required to make changes to bring their group health plans into compliance. In many respects, the required changes were in preparation for health insurance Marketplaces and the employer shared responsibility mandate. The employer shared responsibility mandate (the mandate) requires applicable large employers to offer, to substantially all of their full-time employees and their dependent children, eligible employer-sponsored coverage or face potential penalties.
In an effort to clarify many aspects of the mandate that went into effect on January 1, 2015, the regulators have issued an immense amount of guidance over an extended period of time. To assist employers in their efforts to fully understand the mandate, Gallagher prepared this comprehensive abstract of the most important aspects of this significant pillar of PPACA.
News & Insights
Compliance Consulting: Key Considerations in Avoiding & Calculating Penalties Pursuant to the Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate
To assist employers in their efforts to fully understand the Employer Mandate, the Compliance experts of Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. prepared this comprehensive abstract of the most important aspects of this significant pillar of PPACA. Updated January 2018.