All businesses - large or small - need some form of Business Interruption Insurance. Keeping a business operating and income flowing after unforeseen incidents occur such as a building fire, burst pipe or theft can result in loss of income.

Today it is widely accepted that business income insurance is as important to a business as the insurance of its buildings or other property.

While some lost items can be replaced, the loss of revenue cannot be replaced unless you have the right type of insurance coverage. Not operating your business at a regular pace while waiting for assets to be replaced may mean your customers go elsewhere, to access the product or service they normally receive from you.

Determining the amount of downtime and the sales recovery time your business will require and choosing an adequate amount of coverage that addresses your maximum sales lost is very challenging.

Our experienced professionals can work with you, to simplify the process and to find the right type of coverage you need to keep your business afloat in the event of a loss leading to business interruption.