Watch this on-demand webinar in our Leadership Confidence Series to learn how employers can balance generational differences when attracting and retaining employees.

For decades, employees have prioritized compensation and career stability when considering an employer's attractiveness, and organizations are structured to reflect these values.

However, as employers search for ways to attract younger generations using traditional methods, they've realized a change is happening. The upcoming workforce, Gen Z, places more priority on a company's values and commitments, career development and work-life balance.

This shift poses an opportunity for not only attraction and retention, but long-term organizational goals. As employers seek to appeal to a younger audience, how can they balance these generational differences?

Key points

  • Building a successful compensation package, that balances the needs of different generations
  • Creating a strategic leadership approach to meet multi-generational workforce needs
  • Creating an environment that supports growth and development for all employees

Duration: 1 hour