A healthy organization considers diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as critical factors, not just as a people strategy, but also as an invaluable risk management strategy. Wherever you are in your DEI journey, Gallagher's Diversity and Community Business Solutions team delivers tailored insurance and risk management solutions that cost effectively meet the needs of your organization and its employees now and in the future.

Whether your business is trying to meet supplier diversity goals or you're a diverse supplier facing insurance challenges, we work with you to understand your goals and develop risk management solutions that have a meaningful impact on your organization. Our team has the expertise and ability to develop a customized strategy that not only helps safeguard your business but also advances your inclusion and diversity (I&D) efforts.

Diversity and Community Business Solutions services and programs

Find out more about our Diversity and Community Business Solutions:

Gallagher Connect Partners

Helping you meet supplier diversity goals and overall business objectives

Higher targets on supplier diversity spend have left many companies seeking ways to meet their diversity goals, but meeting these goals through traditional suppliers can be challenging — that's where we step in.

Gallagher Connect Partners cultivates relationships with certified diverse partners, combining Gallagher's global resources with our partners' specialized expertise. By working together, we drive the best results for our shared clients — ensuring they receive the local and diverse expertise they need, backed by the strength of Gallagher's Global Brokerage. By helping our clients achieve their supplier diversity goals, as well as broader organization goals, we ensure our clients face their future with confidence.

Diverse Vendor Access Program

Safeguarding your business and supporting meaningful impact

At Gallagher, we know that many of our clients value working with diverse vendors, and increasing supplier diversity spend is critical to the success of their businesses. We also understand that vendors can create significant risk for our clients if not properly insured. To help our clients better manage these risks, we're excited to introduce the Gallagher Diverse Vendor Access Program.

We created the Diverse Vendor Access Program to give a client's suppliers the best insurance terms and conditions at competitive pricing, while also allowing them to meet the client's contractual insurance requirements so they can qualify for more contracting opportunities. In turn, our clients are able to mitigate their risk, expand their pool of vendors and meet their supplier diversity goals.

Gallagher is the first to market this unique and complimentary vendor risk management solution, which will create an incredible opportunity for you to safeguard your business and exceed your supplier diversity goals.

DEI Consulting

Improving organizational health to manage risk and drive change

We recognize the transformative power of fostering diversity and inclusion within organizations, and our bespoke DEI Consulting services help you achieve your DEI goals while ensuring a seamless integration with your existing insurance program.

Given the polarization of inclusion and diversity (I&D), many institutions and organizations are having trouble navigating changing legislation and increased scrutiny from consumer groups and activist shareholders, leading to an increase in Directors and Officers and Employment Practices Liability claims.

Failing to understand the overall impact on employee wellbeing can affect our clients' bottom line and cause real-life, risk management issues for numerous organizations. As a leader in I&D, Gallagher is uniquely positioned to assist clients with lowering their cost of risk and advancing I&D efforts.

Our services include:

  • DEI strategy development
  • Data collection and analytics
  • Human Resources services
  • Communication strategies
  • Customized strategies, consulting services and interim position support
  • Talent development
  • Focus groups, facilitation and training

Contact us today to find out about complimentary DEI assessment if you're ready to understand more about your organization and tailored solutions.

Insurance Premium Finance Program

A feasible solution to meet supplier diversity targets cost effectively

Our cutting-edge Insurance Premium Finance Program provides a viable solution for organizations to meet or exceed their supplier diversity goals while maximizing cost-effectiveness.

By incorporating insurance premium payments paid to carriers into diverse spending targets, our program empowers organizations to finance their premiums and simultaneously contribute to their supplier diversity objectives. With flexible, convenient payment choices and a dynamic platform for safeguarding your organization's capital, you can confidently boost diverse-supplier spending and explore additional business prospects.

Exclusive Gallagher resources

In addition to our core offerings, Gallagher provides exclusive resources to support your business growth and personal wellbeing.

Commercial resources

  • Cyber Coverage Program: Get comprehensive cyber coverage to protect your organization from digital threats, and help you put cybersecurity controls, such as multifactor authentication (MFA), in place.
  • Subscription Center: Get access to exclusive content tailored to your industry.

Small business resources

  • Small Business Program: Small businesses can connect with diverse insurance providers to foster growth and opportunity.
  • The Link Newsletter: Stay informed on small business trends, tips, best practices and more with our newsletter.
  • Expertise Center: Access a wealth of information to help your business grow and prosper through our Expertise Center.
  • Gallagher Perks: Enjoy real savings on goods and services for both your business and personal lives through Gallagher Perks.

Achieve diversity goals with Gallagher's steadfast support

At Gallagher, we're unwavering in our commitment to partnering with you on your supplier diversity and DEI journey, empowering your organization to thrive in an inclusive and equitable environment.

Diversity and Community Business Solutions Summary

  • Address insurance and risk management needs through a diverse supplier network
  • Boost diverse-supplier spending through premium financing plan while preserving capital for other business priorities
  • Utilize data collection, HR services, customized strategies and more to help organizations achieve DEI goals
  • Access to the best insurance pricing terms and conditions for suppliers through a diverse vendor program

Meet the Diversity and Community Business Solutions leaders

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