To attract the best people to your organization, you must be willing to invest in them. But determining what this means practically and realistically for your organizational wellbeing - regardless of your industry - can be complex. At Gallagher, our Compensation and Rewards consulting team can help you chart a course through the challenging waters to ensure your compensation program is competitive, fair and equitable. We help you navigate your company toward a compensation program that aligns to your mission, vision and strategy so your organization can face the future with confidence.

Attract and retain talent with leading employee compensation programs

Offering competitive employee compensation programs isn't just about attracting top talent. It's about retaining and rewarding the people that make you successful today while remaining compliant with the rules and regulations pertaining to your industry. The greater the stakes your employees hold in your organization, the more energy, thought and creativity they'll put towards its success. If you invest in your people, they will invest in your organization. We can help you design the right employee compensation rewards programs.

Tailoring competitive and compliant employee compensation and total rewards plans

Today, you have more access than ever before to benchmarking information regarding employee compensation practices. So, in order to attract and retain talent, your organization needs a compensation plan that is as practical as it is competitive and compliant. At Gallagher, we understand that your organization has built a unique culture. We work to understand and build pay practices to support your organization's culture, compensation philosophy and strategy.

While we conduct multiple annual national and regional compensation surveys, we also design and conduct custom surveys to respond to clients' unique data needs not already met by other published surveys. Sometimes organizations find that the most accurate answers to compensation questions posed by management, the board, the media or the public come through collecting customized data. Our expert compensation and rewards consultants create customized employee compensation and employee reward plans tailored to your organization.

Better healthcare compensation surveys. Hard data for successful decisions.

To validate or improve your compensation program's competitiveness, a first step is to objectively compare your employee compensation program against similar organizations in your industry. Compensation surveys from Gallagher allow you to take a deeper look at the subsurface issues impacting your pay practices.

Gallagher's healthcare compensation surveys are as varied as they are in-depth, offering benchmarking information from millions of employees. We specialize in researching compensation trends to ensure that our annual surveys continue to serve as indispensable reference tools for compensation managers across the country. Plus, we make participation easy with a data extraction template that allows you to easily export your compensation data. We put customers first with fast, easy setup, timely reporting and competitive pricing.

Designing employee compensation and total rewards programs for better organizational wellbeing

Our compensation and rewards consultants bring a depth of experience across industries. Our expert consultants collaborate with board members, executives and management to develop custom employee compensation plans and total rewards plans aligned to the interests of executives, directors and staff. Combining our in-depth industry experience, understanding of your organization's culture, and leading industry data, we design employee compensation and total rewards programs to enhance your ability to attract, reward and retain the best people.

Meet our Compensation and Rewards Consulting Leaders

Employee Compensation and Total Rewards Consulting Summary

  • Depth of industry expertise with a strong focus towards healthcare, public sector and higher education
  • Healthcare governance, cash compensation and benefits expertise
  • Pay equity to support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives
  • Leaders in public sector compensation programs

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