Businesses have never been laid so bare, and for many this is proving a tough challenge. Boardrooms of the past were often places of mystery and wonder to the rest of the organisation, not to mention the outside world.
open and collaborative leadership

Now, in order to ‘bring out their better’ the C-suite has to connect more strongly with their people and the communities where they live and work. Senior executives must also help drive collaboration across all parts of the business, ensuring alignment of priorities, resources and goals.

Evidence of the need for a more collective and connected m ind-set in competing for and managing employees is hard to ignore. The perception of excessive salaries and bonuses at the top and a ‘nose to the grindstone’ mentality for everyone else has created an undercurrent of dismay. An emphasis on the individual continues to blur work-life boundaries, and employees won’t — and indeed don’t — stick around if they feel uninspired or dissatisfied with their lot. The glue provided by defined benefit (DB) pension schemes has long since dried up. And an inflexible 9-to-5 mentality represents one surefire way to put off new recruits.

The 2019 Organisational Wellbeing & Talent Insights Report - UK Edition explores the link between employee health and organisational wellbeing, and how operational, finance and HR leaders can leverage workforce metrics to strategically attract and retain top talent for better organisational outcomes.

View the report here