A vintage aircraft is not treated as just another plane but a cherished piece of aviation history – the Spirit of Aviation. Vintage or heritage aircraft hold a special fascination for everyone involved in aviation, be they pilots, owners, engineers, passengers or enthusiasts. We provide a personal service to you, when arranging insurance for these special aircraft.
Vintage aircraft liability insurance
Vintage aircraft liability insurance provides cover against loss, damage or injury to third parties, including passengers, cargo, mail and baggage. Although different insurers may offer slightly different policy limits and definitions, they do not always provide cover for the pilot in command of an aircraft or the actual aircraft. Therefore, pilots must carry evidence of this insurance on board the aircraft at all times.
It is a legal requirement for any aircraft flying in the UK to have a minimum liability insurance. Visit the UK CAA website to find out what the minimum limits are: www.caa.co.uk/g-info. For EU domiciled risks the minimum insurance requirements are set out in EU Regulation EC785/2004. Internationally, we may be able to assist in placing policies for similar risks, worldwide, depending on local regulations. Please contact our team to discuss your requirements.
Vintage aircraft hull insurance
A vintage aircraft hull insurance policy indemnifies a loss or damage to your own aircraft.
Vintage aircraft hull insurance policies are generally arranged on an agreed value basis, where the value of the aircraft is agreed upon in advance. In the event of a total loss, insurers pay out the agreed value rather than the current market value.
It is essential to set a realistic agreed value sum insured. If you choose a value below the actual value of the aircraft, insurers may, at the time of a loss, decide to declare the loss uneconomical to repair and then make a claim based on the agreed value. As a result, it may not fairly reflect the cost of replacement. However, suppose you overvalue your vintage aircraft. In that case, insurers may elect, when you suffer a significant loss, to repair the aircraft rather than write it off, even if you wish to have the aircraft declared a total loss.
If you need to discuss a claim with us please call us on 0800 612 2258.