Gallagher is pleased to invite you to the fourth module in our Higher Education (HE) Technical Training Series in association with AIRMIC.
Higher Education Technical Training: Information Security and Enterprise Risk Management

The online training will take place at 11am on Friday 11 March 2022 and will focus on Information Security and Enterprise Risk Management.

Like all organisations Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been impacted by the dependency on digital and online environments and the rise of the use and security of data and information.

Universities hold sensitive data on staff, students as well as commercially sensitive data on cutting edge research. How this is managed and secured is vital to the reputation and future viability of institutions.

This session will explore how risks around Information Security link to an organisation's broader Enterprise Risk Management strategy and what impact events can have on an HEIs operational and strategic risk profile.

Our panel includes representatives from Gallagher, AIRMIC and Jisc and the webinar will cover:

  • The Information Security (IS) and Cyber Risk Landscape
  • Cyber and Data Liability Claims including Case Studies and Examples
  • The Cyber and Data Liability Insurance Market

This session will last approximately an hour. Please use the link below to register for the session – you can also watch the first three modules ‘on demand’.