Join us on 20 April 2023 at 10 AM.

When it comes to risk, it’s not just about what you’re facing now, but also what might be on the horizon and the knock-on effects of this. With this in mind, join us for the second instalment of our risk management webinar series for 2023 — ‘Facing Your Future With Confidence’ — which is designed to provide you with industry-leading insights and discussions on topical issues that could negatively affect your organisation’s insurance and risk management strategy.

Webinar 2 | Building Business Resilience

Business Continuity Management is crucial to mitigating risk and ensuring organisational resilience, especially in today’s complex business environment.

Therefore, organisations of all sectors and sizes must ask themselves, are they prepared to risk their organisation’s financial stability by not taking Business Continuity Management seriously?

With this in mind, join Gallagher Risk Management specialists for a timely webinar exploring:

  • The current risk landscape and the biggest threats to business continuity in 2023 and beyond.
  • The key components of a resilient Business Continuity Management plan or strategy.
  • Why Business Continuity measures taken by organisations during the pandemic are no longer enough.
  • The key learnings and takeaways that could help your organisation overcome significant business interruption and potential loss of trade in the future.

This webinar is a great opportunity for any Finance Director, Managing Director, Company Secretary, or Procurement/Risk Management professional looking to mitigate risk and protect their organisation.