GPR Womens Day

This International Women's Day, Premiership Rugby and Gallagher are shining a light on Tiara Brown, a rising young star who was first introduced to the game via the award-winning Project Rugby programme.

Now with her sights set on a rugby scholarship in the USA,'What is rugby?' was Tiara's first question when asked by her secondary school PE Teacher if she wanted to try the sport at a Project Rugby session hosted by Bristol Bears Community Foundation. From never picking up a ball, to joining her local North Bristol RFC club, playing for Bristol Bears Women, and being involved in the England Under 18's squad, there is clearly no stopping Tiara.

"I had no clue what rugby or Project Rugby was and now I couldn’t be more grateful I gave it a go. I feel without Rich finding me that day at my school, I wouldn't even try and think to go to America. Rugby has given me a lot of confidence in myself, and I feel like everyone that's around me supports me which is beautiful." Said Tiara.

Rich Hynes, Project Rugby Head Coach at Bristol Bears Community Foundation adds. "From the first time Tiara held a ball we immediately thought athlete. It was clear early on that she had the potential to be a great player and her progression in the sport has been on a steady upward curve ever since. Players like Tiara set themselves as an example for others to follow and show that anyone can come into the sport, embrace it and reap the benefits just like Tiara."

GPR Womens Day

Thanks to Project Rugby over 40,000 girls like Tiara have had their eyes opened to rugby, and now view it as a game for them. Project Rugby aims to introduce rugby to people who might not traditionally pick up a ball, prioritising women and girls, people with disabilities, and those from ethnically diverse or low-socio economic (DEC/LSEG) backgrounds.Premiership Rugby club community teams and Gallagher volunteers work hard to provide easily accessible opportunities in familiar settings like schools to encourage trial of the game and help break down misconceptions that might be held.

Tiara says "I"d say to girls if you think rugby's an aggressive sport, I didn't like aggressive things either. But when I played, it brought a strength out of me and brought healthy anger out I always needed to let go of. Girls, just do it, you'll love it."

Sarah Griffiths, Director of Marketing and Communications (EMEA) at Gallagher, says: "It is incredible to see Tiara's progression from trying the sport for the very first time through Project Rugby to the amazing trajectory she now has ahead of her in the elite game. The programme's foundations centre on inclusion, not just for girls, but for anyone from any background. Project Rugby opens the door to this amazing sport for many different groups of individuals. Seeing the positive impact the programme has on participants is one of the many reasons why Gallagher is such a passionate supporter of Project Rugby.

" Wayne Morris, Community & CSR Director, Premiership Rugby says: "Without Project Rugby fewer women and girls would play and flourish from the experiences, connections and confidence rugby brings. Hearing how Tiara's Project Rugby session has gone on to influence the trajectory of her life fuels our commitment to keep delivering Project Rugby and increasing the number of girls that play regularly. Together with Gallagher and our clubs, we have successfully introduced over 40,000 women and girls to the game, fuelling the creation of more teams at schools and grassroots clubs. We are turning the tide, engaging a new generation and sustaining the future progression of the sport."

To find your nearest Project Rugby session visit: