With many employees now working remotely and changing processes there are warning signs that fraudsters are trying to take advantage of this new way of working.
Cyber Crime

There has been an increase in highly sophisticated scam attempts that are using details like emails, messages and texts which are personalised to that individual to validate and authenticate their bogus requests.

Gallagher has compiled the following advice to share with clients and their employees to help prevent their business becoming a victim to cyber-crime.

As a result of the increased threat everyone needs to be on high alert and extra vigilant for cyber frauds and scams, over and above the protection put in place such as company firewalls and management by IT teams.

Tips for avoiding scams:

  • Check before you click on links or attachments
    Question anything unusual and do not take any chances with offers to do things like ‘Upgrade to WhatsApp Gold’ which is an example of the increasing number of mobile-based scam attempts that are becoming more commonplace.

  • Watch out for unfamiliar websites
    Malicious websites may appear legitimate and offer information on COVID-19, but be wary of any requests for usernames, passwords or other sensitive information. Stick to the websites you know, and go directly to their URLs if possible.

  • Be suspicious of unexpected emails
    Phishing emails will often create a false sense of urgency or fear, sometimes outright threatening you. Know that legitimate organisations won’t use these tactics. Check that the sender’s email address is exactly in the format of previous emails, and if telephoning to check an email’s veracity don’t simply rely on the phone number given in that email. Report suspicious emails to your IT team as an attachment, rather than a forward.

    If in any doubt or if it relates to a large payment, please call the person who is named in the email or message to validate any requests or instructions. Remember; if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

    Think before you click.